Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dog Park Morons

I have a dog, his name is Bently, and I know everyone says this about their dog, but seriously, your dog sucks compared to mine. He's cute, he's athletic, he's affectionate, he's just all out awesome as far as dogs are concerned. I take him to the dog park to play fetch, he loves it. I have one of those ball thrower thingy's you see people have, those are cool too.

Here's what I am getting to. I go there to run the dog, so he gets exercised and tired, because you don't won't a crazy dog in the house. But there are these people there that just bring there dogs, with no ball, no anything, and they just run rampant in the park in complete anarchy. These dogs then run after Bently's ball, and completly ruin the whole experience for both me and my dog. The dogs grab the ball, and run away with it, and I'm like screw off. I'm not mad at the dogs, its not there fault, this is about STUPID dog owners. If you know your dog likes to play fetch... BRING YOUR OWN BALL. I actually had a woman thank me for running her dog in the park for her. I'm like, wtf? I know most people would tell me to relax, its just dogs, but there are boundries people. Social dog park codes that humans should abide by. There is only a few: Pick up there shit, and bring your own ball. If you are reading this and you don't bring your dog a ball to the park, you are un-smart. If your dog has no interest in balls and would rather walk beside you and not bother me, my dog, or other dogs, that's fine. I'm talking about those dipshit dogs that jump on people and steal hard-working canadians tennis balls, right out of their dogs mouth. It's insanity. Things need to change.

1 comment:

  1. Ha. I can't believe your dog would ever let another dog touch his ball. That seems totally out of character for Bently.
    Now, I'm no dog owner, but having some douche let his/her dog take the what rightfully is your dogs toy would drive me insane.
    Well done Merrill. Three posts already hey? By now I would have been posting cartoons or something. I need to step up my A-game.
