Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mid-worship interupter

Just saw this a church this morning. Someone was minding their own business, hands in the air- eyes closed, during the worship segment of the chruch service. And this other guy, who I'm assuming is a friend of the worshiper, comes up behind him and rubs his head, in kind of a playful manner. Honestly, how is that an ok thing to do? Even if you are friends, I find that offesnsive. Obviously worshiping is not important enough not to interupt someone in mid-praise. People like that piss me off. And then that head rubber went up to the alter for prayer. I was thinking I should have went up there and rubbed his head and see how embarresed he would have been. Trust me, its the same principle.

1 comment:

  1. If you had actually done that, it would have been the best story ever! Think about it.
    Oh yeah. And that guy was a total dick. Like, its ok if your 5 and you interrupt someone like that. Once your past that age, you need go sit in a corner.
