Saturday, September 19, 2009

What have we come to?

Last night while on our way to the movies, my wife and I were walking down the street towards the theatre. On our way, we passed someone who was about to, what we think, ask for money. He looked dirty, and distraught, and we passed right by him like he was not there. Litteraly, almost right through him, no eye contact, nothing.

I have to ask myself, who the hell do I think I am? If you're thinking I'm a terrible person, and that you would have given him $20.00 and sent him on his way, you're lying, or you're awesome. To be at place where you can just walk right by someone who is gently asking you for something, and not think anything of it, like they are non-existent, is somewhat a scary perspective.

We all do it. Look through the needy, the helpless, because we believe someone else is taking care of them. In truth, probably no one is looking out for them, that is why they have resorted to begging in the first place. If they had a helping hand, they would not be in this situation.

Yes, It crosses my mind when I do give my spare change to a bum: He is using this money to buy drugs. In alot of cases this is true, and I don't agree with fueling someone's addiction. But where do you draw the line between helping someone out, and enabling them?

I guess If I knew for certain that someone was hungry and did not have enough money to eat, I would give them money to buy a meal or two. But that's the thing, you don't know. Most of them would rather you just give them money then buy them lunch. They are looking for a fix, not a meal, that is all they are foccused on, it has consumed them.

So, what do you do? its hard to say. No one can go out and buy all the poor people lunch everyday. And giving them money may just be enabling them to continue their downward spiral. You can't enroll all these people in detox center's, they wouldn't want to go. And why should they? After the detox is done, then what? Drugs are only a part of the problem, it would have to be an overall life detox. Someone will continue on a path, whether it be rightous and good, or evil, until somthing or someone changes that course with them. They would slide back into what they know best, drugs.

Assuming that the church is taking care of the needy, is juevenile. Assuming that somone, anywhere is helping, is stupid. Obviously the question has been asked thousands of times, how can we help the hungry, the poor, the suffering? But no one really has a general answer. I'm not saying that I'm out there changing the world, in fact, like most people I'm part of the ongoing problem. Looking on in the moment of someone's needs.

I guess it comes down to: (which it always does) the individual. Simple choices and acts can change someone's life before an organized movement forms and takes action. Look upon the situation and use your discretion. Can I spare my money, clothes, food, or time to someone? In most cases the answer is yes. Hurt is everywhere, I'm sure you can find it.

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